Rōpū Pukapuka - Group Resource for ECE


This book is un-dated. It has 5 weeks per month with a basic monthly template at the start of every 5 weeks to fill in with your team. Rōpū Pukapuka was designed for a small group of teachers, or a room wanting to collate information on their group of tamariki. It is a very similar layout to the Pēpi Planner. The week is un-dated and spread over two pages. There are our helpful 'core' pages at the beginning of the book. This is a book designed to show learning progression and an example of how you can 

  • A week spread across two pages with room for notes
  • A monthly calendar - every 5 weeks (without dates)
  • Monthly tracking for ILP’s
  • Monthly reflection and forward planning pages
  • Meeting notes pages
  • Personalised cover – $10 per book

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